
In 2014, the Champaign County Library had a service area that covered slightly over 29,000 people in Champaign County.  The library had 29,461 registered card holders, 22,763 of whom were adults, and 6,698 were children between the ages of five and eighteen. In 2014, 845 new adult patrons and 321 new juvenile patrons registered for library cards.

The library was open for 3,796 hours during 2014, and its free public Internet computers were used 21,372 times.

The library circulated 251,688 total items in 2014. Of those check outs and renewals, 230,269 were from physical items owned by the library and 21,419 were from digitally downloaded materials from resources like the Ohio Digital Library and Zinio.  In 2014, the library received 6,744 items from other libraries through our interlibrary loan service and loaned out 1,882 of our items to other libraries.

Champaign County Library staff answered a total of 33,332 reference questions in 2014.  The library’s study rooms were used a total of 667 times.

The library had 102 programs in 2014, with a total program attendance of 11,955 for the year.

View statistics from across the state, including previous years, at the State Library of Ohio.